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Welcome to my Storyboard Index, here you'll find the full list of my Storyboards including the Panels and Animatics that go with them. Enjoy browsing my work and for the full list of Animatics click the button below.

Sneaking Badly

A recent passion project of my own I came up with the idea of 3 of my OCs trying to sneak down a corridor and not having much luck doing so to humorous effect

Studio Killers Hearteye (Jenny)

Recently the virtual band 'Studio Killers' released a specially made Instagram filter which changed peoples eyes to neon hearts to a sped up version of there popular song 'Jenny'. This became a trend and I decided to create a short animation utilizing the idea for which I first created this Storyboard & Animatic.

ERS - Stanley (Traditionally Drawn)

(Currently a work in progress)

Based on an audio story from the series 'The Extended Railway Series' (based off the books by the Rev W Awdry, I decided to storyboard the ideas i had while hearing it and then possibly animate it.

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